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Strand 1 - Productisation


This strand will aim to ensure the final products are of a fully professional quality.




This strand must ensure that products:\par

  • Are free from errors
  • \par
  • Are easily accessible
  • \par
  • Have support arrangements in place
  • \par
  • Link together
  • \par
  • Have clear licensing agreements in place
  • \par
  • Are complete
  • \par

    There are three aspects to the productisation of LAWs outputs:\par
    1.\tab Ensuring that the final project deliverables are of a fully professional quality\par
    2.\tab Ensuring that the attributes of the products are clearly defined allowing local authority IT managers to make informed decisions about the products.\par
    3.\tab Ensuring that the LAWs products have a five-to-fifteen year product life as would be expected from a commercial software application.


    This strand will link into the outputs of other strands in order to ensure that there is consolidation and convergence of the various roadmaps put forwards by individual product and user groups. These will provide a set of functional and non-functional requirements, which will be linked to a clear definition of product attributes, ensuring that local authority IT managers can make informed decisions about the products.

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