Laws logo graphic Local Authority Websites National Project - Strapline
Laws logo graphic  


Strand 2 - Marketing


  • Attendance at conferences
  • Creation of marketing materials
  • State of the nation and next steps
  • Local/regional Workshops
  • Understand target authorities for LAWs products
  • The project will also address part of the ongoing dissemination requirements - creating marketing material, and ensuring the market understands the attributes of the products coming out of the original LAWs project.

    We propose to hook into the 'state of the nation' review being carried out by the ODPM's marketing rollout project, work on IEG3/4 submissions and the PSO traffic light status analysis. This should involve a rapid but detailed investigation of the state of readiness of the majority of local authorities in England for transactional services, including whether or not they currently have a content management system or middleware. We would also conduct deeper research into the current provision of transactional services. This review will allow us to understand and develop:

  • Customer Segmentation
  • Identify areas of concern
  • Agree recommendations around PSO targets
  • Agenda for regional workshops
  • Take-up plans for relevant groups and the taskforce
  • The purpose of this review would be to allow the LAWs products interim body and the ODPM to target those authorities that they think will benefit from the products. We would be nervous of putting any take-up targets in place until we have done this piece of research.

    Tameside Camden West Sussex County Council Local e-Government Office of the Deputy Prime Minister